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  • Pam

Coming together as a community

During these hard times we have seen the worst in people, but we have also seen the best in people. Stores are opening their shops earlier for the most vulnerable. Groceries are being delivered to homes or scheduled for pickup. Restaurants are being resourceful with delivery/take out options, as well as socially distant limited seating. Museums are offering free online tours of their collections. Friends and neighbors are shopping for the more vulnerable folks. Banks are switching to drive through only. Hospitals are doing drive through testing and using curbside patient pick up strategies. Medical clinics are using phone, email and teleconferencing to reach their patients. Medicare has lifted restrictions on reimbursement for e visits. White House has lifted some HIPAA restrictions for easier telehealth access to home bound patients. Distilleries and perfume factories are now focusing on making alcohol based sanitizers. And so on....... remember to deep breathe, do tapping and find strategies to occupy your thoughts with non-threatening topics through music, puzzles, art, etc.

But we can only do this as a community. Stay vigilant.

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